Hi, I’m Sharon!

A clothing loving girl, a number cruncher (CPA, CA) in Alberta, Canada, and on a lifelong journey to being a conscious consumer.
This blog started from a love of self-expression through clothing and outfit planning. Now as an intentional life and style content creator, my passion lies in sharing quality wardrobe essentials, petite-friendly styling tips, and conscious consumption in creative ways to reflect an authentic, simple, and functional lifestyle. My goal is to help make lasting wardrobe and lifestyle choices with items that are high quality, practical, comfortable, and stylish.
Other than always playing dress up and admiring my clothes (lol), my other interests include simplify different aspects of my life (like routines and organization – still a work in progress!), living a more active and holistic lifestyle, travel and food, and finding ways to spend more time in the kitchen. I’m no professional chef, but cooking is therapeutic for me!
Give me a follow on Instagram (where I’m most active) for some fun content. After discovering Instagram reels, I’ve developed a huge passion for content creation. I love playing around with short form video and I’ve been told my transitions aren’t too bad π
For inquiries on brand collaborations or if you’re a brand looking to work together on some fun creative content ideas, feel free to send me an email at contact@hersimplesole.com.
Curious about how this all started? Here’s a glimpse into my life & style journey:
Why the Blog?
I’ve always loved expressing myself through clothing. Since my full-time job was in accounting, it left very little room for creativity and I was longing for a creative outlet. So in 2017, I created this blog as a way to showcase my outfits. My very first post was about simple living (you can find that post here), so my intention was to also incorporate minimalist ideals into this blog. After all, the concept was embedded into my blog name!
As it had been for all of my 20s, I constantly stressed over:
“What’s trending right now?”, “What should I buy this week?”, “Would someone buy this?”, “I need to have trendier outfits like her!”
And most importantly, how to afford it all while living a life that meant something to me. My posts were abundant as my clothing selection didn’t stop, but something was missing… I didn’t feel satisfied. I actually hated a lot of my outfits and photos. That passion in creating outfits that once brought me immense joy quickly disappeared.

In hindsight, I was not conscious of any of my consumption. Rather, it was about getting as many trendy items as I could, without breaking the bank. As my clothing collection grew, I continually felt like I had nothing to wear. My clothes kept falling apart. I could not figure out my own sense of style. And the concepts of minimalism & purpose I just so desperately wanted to incorporate into my lifestyle – what happened to that? Eventually, I wanted to find out: could having more clothes, following the latest trends, and consistently shopping at fast fashion stores in order to afford it all, actually make me less happier?
The Start of My Journey

Near the end of 2019, I slowly cut my shopping habits and started restyling items I already had in my closet. I’d style old pieces I never thought would look good together, paying more attention to the quality of items and what worked best for my lifestyle. Instead of a chore, styling outfits became a hobby that I started to love again. I managed to do a no-buy for the first half of 2020 to reflect on my needs, my wants, and my approach to an ideal wardrobe, and started documenting it all on Instagram under a brand new account.
Forget sale price. Everything is 100% off when you don’t buy it.
— Joshua Fields Millburn
I began to apply this to other aspects of my life, mostly material items in my condo to reduce clutter, and started associating a value to everything I had. This started the process of getting rid of things that no longer served a purpose. It all had a very calming effect for me and I started to realize that having less truly is more.
The goal is to create a lifestyle full of intention. In doing so, I can direct more time and effort into other important things – hobbies, relationships, self-care, and travel. I’m excited to approach this space with more direction, a passion for making the best use out of my wardrobe, and a curiosity for discovering high-quality + lasting options.
What does the Blog Name Mean?
Her Simple Sole is a play on words:
- Her β my pronoun, and to indicate who my content would apply the most to
- Simple β a representation of my unwavering pursuit to an uncomplicated life
- Sole (homonym: soul):
- Individuality (“sole purpose”) – I believe everyone shouldn’t be afraid to be their own unique self
- A representation of how we travel through life (“soles of feet”) – every adventure and step we choose to take, at the end of the day, truly shapes us into the people we are
- My love for a good pair of quality shoes, since they are worn against the “soles” of our feet π

I hope you find inspiration here to create a simple and thoughtful closet, live an intentional lifestyle, and make use of your current items in the best possible ways!