2020 Low Buy Year Recap

Good riddance, 2020! A complete disaster of a year, some would say. Or, one full of adjusting, changing, and learning. For me, it was definitely a mix of it all. Of note, I’ve learned to practice gratitude so much more than I ever have before. It’s also taught me patience and how much I value the little joys in life. Things like a delicious restaurant dine-in meal, the sun shining through the windows, a weekend out in nature, and having a mimosa with my very best friends. It was one hell of a ride, to say the least.

I started 2020 with a pretty clear, defined focus – to make it a low buy year in all material aspects. You can read about it in detail here. Not only did I make it a goal to purchase no more than 20 wardrobe items, I also set out to purchase no more than 20 non-wardrobe items, or “other additions”. By the end of March, I had 3 successful wardrobe no-buy months, and purchased 10 out of 20 other additions. My intention was to do a quarterly recap of my progress, but that clearly didn’t happen! So instead, here’s a quick recap of the rest of the year all in one go.

How did it go, you ask?

Wardrobe Items

Wardrobe-wise, my no-buy months extended to almost the end of June, by which time I was ready to tackle my wishlist. Ultimately, I ended up with 30 items, consisting of 13 clothing items, 5 pairs of shoes, 7 pieces of accessories, and 5 gifted items.

2020 Low Buy Year Recap - L'Intervalle Boots
Last 2020 purchase – the Bolt Black Leather boots by L’Intervalle

Although I exceeded the 20 items, I’m still quite pleased with this result. Excluding gifted items, 25 would be a fraction of my purchases in past years! I mostly stuck to my wardrobe wishlist and I’m honestly really proud of that. I can’t stress enough the importance of having a wardrobe wishlist in order to shop intentionally. It’s a place to write out your current wants and adjust later on. And when you feel that impulse, you can immediately look to your wishlist to reflect and ensure it’s truly an item you want. And if it is, then you will love it so much!

I was also gifted 5 items from Encircled, as they kindly reached out to me in November. A Canadian ethical clothing brand I had been mesmerized by for quite some time! I did not intend on receiving any gifted items at the start of the year, so that was a pleasant surprise.

2020 Low Buy Year Recap - Gifted items from Encircled
Gifted items from Encircled

Other Additions

I knew my goal of no more than 20 other additions in the year was an ambitious one. By the time we reached the end of Fall, I was probably over the 20 items mark. In all honesty, I completely lost track of how many items I purchased – oops!

In the summer, I invested in a bicycle, along with a helmet and a few other accessories – that itself was around 5 items. It was a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors, though. We would bike at least twice a week – I had a pretty nice farmers tan to prove it!

I also purchased 2 Bowflex adjustable kettlebells so I’d have the option to workout at home. In the fall, I started to crave a calmer space in my apartment. So in the span of 2 weeks, I added 5 small indoor plants, some requiring planters. In December I felt the need to pick up a new hobby, so I bought several skeins of yarn and two sets of knitting needles. And throughout the year I purchased several reusable fabric masks to avoid using disposable ones.

Those are just a few of my excuses justifications, I’d say!

What I Learned

Overall, conscious consumerism and intentional purchasing is the over-arcing goal for me. I’ve quickly learned it’s a very slow process, with feelings of guilt and moments of impulse. I also learned to give myself grace, to understand this will be an imperfect journey that I’m committed to beyond 2020.

Additionally, I learned I won’t necessarily follow a set limit, rather it’s more of a measuring tool to understand my buying habits. As much as I could be disappointed at myself for exceeding 20 wardrobe items, I don’t feel that way. Each item is already so well loved! For 2021, I don’t intend on placing a limit on my purchases. Instead, I want to continue my focus on intention, slowly tackling my wardrobe wishlist.

Of course, there’s always room to grow, and I’ll continue to place a value to all material things I buy. My bike was an investment piece I plan to use for many summers to come. I’ve placed a hold on my gym membership due to the pandemic, so the kettlebells were amazing investment pieces to also aid in my physical health. I absolutely love my new me-made knitted scarf. And quite honestly, my corner of plants provide a sense of calm while I currently spend most of my time indoors.

2020 Low Buy Year Recap - Harly Jae Pants Styled 3 Ways
Favourte summer purchase: Aura Pant by Harly Jae

If you had set similar goals in 2020, how did it go? I’d love to hear about your experience!


Her Simple Sole 2020 Low Buy Year Recap


  1. January 20, 2021 / 7:14 PM

    You did really well. I agree about having a wishlist! This year I’m planning on only buying 5 wardrobe items and I’ve got 4 planned with one space for a random addition.

    • Sharon
      January 21, 2021 / 4:34 PM

      Thanks Paula – a wishlist is truly a game changer. That’s an amazing goal for 2021, good luck! Excited to see what you end up adding to your wardrobe this year!

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