My Simple + Healthy 6 Ingredient Go-To Smoothie Recipe

Simple and Healthy Go-To Smoothie Recipe

For me, smoothies are one of the easiest things to make. There are days where I’m craving something full of wholesome ingredients and valuable vitamins that require little effort to throw together. And these days are when I turn to my 6 ingredient go-to smoothie recipe.

This recipe combines a balance of protein and complex carbohydrates (aka carbs). I’m quite familiar with how tracking macronutrients (or macros) work and try to do it every so often. I was big into strength training with weights a few years ago, so the “eating a balanced diet” part has translated over even after so many years. Also, I know my eating habits and how I love to indulge. So sometimes I need a reset to feel good as new again.

I won’t always have this entirely as a meal replacement, but it makes for a good supplement to a hearty breakfast or lunch (dinners are usually when I fully pig out!). Just be sure to fill up your stomach again within a couple of hours.

A Macro Breakdown

For protein, I use a good quality vanilla protein powder. It’s kind of a habit of mine to have this almost on a daily basis from back when I strength trained. I plan to get back into a similar exercise routine, but my excuses get the better of me! For a cleaner product sweetened using stevia, I use Beyond Yourself Whey Isolate. It mixes perfectly, even if shaken with just water – no clumps! If protein powder isn’t your thing, a good way to incorporate more protein and/or a creamier texture would be to use greek yogurt or silken tofu. Additional protein comes from a scoop of powdered collagen, which is also good for skin, joint, and bone health.

For carbs, of course the fruit contributes to the bulk of it in this recipe. I try to incorporate more plant-based items into my days, so milk alternatives are my go-to. Oatmilk contains more carbs (and therefore, more calories) than other milk alternatives, and is mostly the reason why I choose to use it since it’ll leave me fuller for longer. I go for the unsweetened version to avoid an additional 6g of sugar per serving. I love overly ripe bananas, and that’s usually enough sweetness for me.

Lastly, for extra vitamins and greens, I’ll normally add a handful of spinach (fresh or frozen works). At times I tend to forget this step, as you can see in the picture below lol.

Since this recipe is low in fats, I’ll incorporate healthy fats into other meals throughout the day (avocado, tofu, nuts). Though these could easily be blended in here – I just prefer a less creamy texture.

Feel free to incorporate substitutions wherever you like – there are really no rules! This is just what tastes best for me as my go-to smoothie.

Ingredients: oatmilk, vanilla protein powder, collagen protein, frozen berries, banana

My Simple + Healthy 6 Ingredient Go-To Smoothie Recipe

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Serving: 1


  • 1 banana
  • 140 grams of frozen berry fruit of choice – I love wild blueberries or a variety mix
  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbsp protein collagen
  • Handful of frozen spinach
  • 250ml unsweetened oatmilk

Toss all ingredients into a high speed blender and enjoy!

Want to see how simple it is to make? Check out this video!


My Simple + Healthy 6 Ingredient Go-to Smoothie Recipe


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