2020 Low Buy Year + Q1 Purchases

2020 has, without a doubt, been a very unusual year. We’re all trying to navigate through it as best as we can, and for me, having healthy distractions are now of the utmost importance.

That’s why I’m glad this year became the year I decided to make a very conscious effort to reduce my consumption; to put a full stop to my shoppaholic ways and slowly change my daily habits. If you’re curious about my current life & style journey, it’s briefly detailed in my about page.

After years of accumulation, over the last several months I’ve come to realize I truly love to style clothing items together, regardless of it being new or not. I love putting together an outfit in different ways, to show its flexibility and versatility. And sometimes, you just want to wear an outfit again & again – there’s no shame in that! I want to be content with less, to be able to do so much more without accumulating random stuff. (pssst: style challenges hosted by amazing people on Instagram are the BEST for figuring this out!)

So, I set up a goal for myself to make 2020 a low buy year.

showing 9 grids with 9 different outfits to show how I've committed to a low buy year, wardrobe-wise. the top 3 shows 3 ways to style a tshirt; the middle 3 shows 3 ways to style striped pants; the bottom 3 shows 3 ways to style a black slip dress

So why a Low Buy Year?

Here are 5 reasons why I’ve committed to a low buy year:

  1. To clear my mind and space of clutter – In the last few years I was going at a pace where purchasing “stuff” was the norm. This didn’t give me any time to free my mind and just live – slowly. My closet kept growing and things in my apartment really had no rhyme or reason for being there. It all just took up space, both physically and mentally. Ultimately, I want to clear myself of all the useless clutter to make room for things I truly love.
  2. To create more structure in my life – this applies to the spaces outside of my career and relationships – to create a lifestyle that is more wholesome and full of intention. Especially when it comes to material things, I want each item I decide to keep + add to my life to serve a particular purpose.
  3. To spend money where it counts – I want to save up for experiences with my loved ones, and for milestones coming up (like my wedding), so committing to a low buy year will help me be more mindful of where I’m spending my money.
  4. To create a wardrobe that I love – I have always LOVED clothes, and I can’t even begin to tell you how many pieces of clothing I’ve added to my closet (and subsequently gave away after just a few wears). I was a HUGE online shopper of fast fashion sites, and I honestly see it now as an unhealthy addiction. Addicted to the high of obtaining “new stuff” – one that I eventually came to realize did not create any form of permanent happiness for me. I want to be mindful of what I add and create a wardrobe that I love – one that is full of purpose and versatility.
  5. To spend my time doing other things I enjoy – I will no longer allow myself to fall into an online shopping “black hole”. It’s honestly freed up so much time for me now! I’m getting back into things I love: ootds for Instagram (I’ve created a new account as I want to be as organic & authentic as I can be) and engaging with an amazing online community; creating a clean & organized condo space; getting back to working out (these at-home POPSUGAR Fitness videos have been a game-changer!); putting together fun, colourful bowls; focusing on health & wellness… the list goes on!
a bowl full of noodles, tofu, kimchi, bok choy, a medium boiled egg,, all sitting in a hearty broth - a part of hobbies I'm taking part in during a low buy year

How will you commit to a Low Buy Year?

In terms of my wardrobe, I have committed to #20in2020dressing – a community created by @dressing_dawn. The goal is to set an intention for yourself, and try to commit to only adding 20 items to your wardrobe this year. She has truly created a wonderful community and works so hard to keep us all committed & engaged. So far, I’ve added nothing – yup! It’s been a no-buy January, February and March for me (wardrobe-wise). I’m proud of myself, to say the least. I have a wardrobe wishlist that I’ve put together and it includes quite a few spring/summer items. But regardless, I’m 100% committed to this challenge.

To fully commit to a low buy year, I’m extending this concept to the rest of the “non-wardrobe”, material stuff I buy this year. My goal is to buy no more than 20 “other additions” this year. This will not include food, replacement items or gifts. I think this is an awfully hefty goal, and I might not be able to stick to just the 20 items. But – to have a goal is better than nothing! It’ll help me stick to what I’ve set myself out to do.

“Other additions”-wise, it definitely hasn’t been a no-buy one so far, but I think I’m doing a lot better than I have in all my other years of existence, lol.

a quiet image with its direct focus on a small-sized snake plant in a grey pot, sitting on top of a small tabletop - one of my purchases in my low buy year

2020 Q1 Purchases

So in true accountant style (what I am by trade), I chose to recap my “other additions” based on the first quarter of this year. A bunch of random things, but with a whole lot of intention behind them:

  1. Skates – my fiance and I did a new thing together this year – we went skating! Lol. Like I mentioned, I’m committed to more experiences with my loved ones, and these have contributed to that.
  2. Exploding Kittens extended game – another one that fits into the “more experiences” category, and O M G. We played the original with friends a few times in January and it was SO MUCH FUN. Though, we have yet to open up the extended game. Waiting for a time when we can play this with friends again…
  3. Farmacy Honeymoon Glow serum – this one is technically a replacement, since I didn’t replenish my Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance serum. But it’s a new addition so I’ll include it here. After reading several reviews and trying it out, this has honestly been my holy grail. I’m so happy with it – it has really cleared up my skin! Farmacy is also a cruelty-free brand, so that makes it even more worth it.
  4. Storage bin – since I organize more now, I finally have a medium-sized storage bin to house my off-season clothing. It sits under the bed and out of sight.
  5. Apple lightning to SD card camera reader – since I’m photographing my ootd’s for Instagram again, I bought an SD card adapter compatible with my iphone. It’s for convenience sake (I shoot it all with a DSLR & remote) and definitely a useful purchase for me.
  6. Snake plant + planter – and her name is Franki! Recently, I have really enjoyed having indoor plants around. I hear snake plants are almost impossible to kill, great for a newbie like me! It’s been the most perfect addition to my apartment.
  7. Bullet journal – I’m super excited about this one! A bullet journal has always enticed me to express my creative side, and just have fun with organizing my life.
  8. Pens – to go along with my bullet journal.
  9. Handbag closet organizer – this one has been an amazing organizational buy! It hangs in my closet and stores all my totebags – they’re no longer an eye sore on my closet floor.
  10. USB to HDMI adapter – since I’m now working from home indefinitely, I needed this to connect a monitor to my laptop. It’s been an efficient addition to my WFH setup.
a flatlay that consists of a white fuzzy blanket, with a navy blue bullet journal laid on top, along with one pen laid on top of the journal, and a jar full of colourful pens sitting beside it - one of my purhcases in my low buy year

10 out of 20 items, so far. I’m hopeful that I’ll stick to this for the rest of the year!

I’d love to hear your thoughts – have you committed to anything this year to reduce your overall consumption?

Please stay safe & healthy out there ♡



  1. April 7, 2020 / 12:03 AM

    It’s so weird that we’re on opposite continents, different backgrounds, different aesthetics and yet our experience is so similar πŸ˜‚ I used to be a hard-out fast fashion shopper, now I’m strictly pre-loved and I’m trying to be super mindful about what comes in. Definitely doing Dawn’s 20in2020 (although I think I’m up to about 10 so we’re headed into the danger zone there) I think I found your Instagram through @thevillagelook and her #bloominplace challenge 😍 I love our little accountable (accountant joke πŸ˜‚) community

    • Sharon
      April 10, 2020 / 2:23 PM

      Thank you so much for reading! We are definitely going through similar experiences and I’m glad I’m able to share this experience with a lot more people than I expected. I love this little “accountable” community as well πŸ™‚

  2. April 30, 2020 / 3:20 PM

    This is awesome! Major kudos to extending your low-buy to most aspects of your life. That’s a really great way to maintain how much you’re consuming.

    S | Je M’appelle Chanel

    • Sharon
      May 4, 2020 / 10:21 AM

      Thanks so much for reading! It is a hefty goal of extending it to other aspects in my life, but it’s really helped me be a lot more mindful with my overall purchases!

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